Please note
Kindly note that not all share classes are suitable for all investors and investors should ensure that they comply with the restrictions applicable to the share classes as disclosed in the relevant legal documentation of the fund. Availability of a share class could vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. To obtain further information on the availability of share classes in your jurisdiction, please refer to the appropriate internet site or your local Invesco office.
As of March 2022, the FinDatEx platform made available the European ESG Template (EET) V1. Its purpose is to fulfil ESG-related regulatory requirements contained in the SFDR, relevant provisions of the Taxonomy Regulation, and the relevant delegated acts complementing MiFID II and IDD. From 1st August 2022, Invesco released the EET tranche 1 pertaining all mandatory fields with MiFID & IDD data requirements. As of 1st January 2023, Invesco should release the EET tranche 2 to include all remaining fields for SFDR level 2 & Taxonomy Regulation data requirements.
View the EET document for our ESG data that you may require under MiFID II and IDD:
Download EET CSV file
NOTE: The CSV file is in a pipe (|) delimited file format as specified by the EWG. This format was followed to ensure automatic technical processing between the option manufacturer and the MOP manufacturer. Files in this format will not open natively in Excel in a readable format. In order to change this, please follow these instructions (Windows only):
- Start -> Control Panel
- Region -> Additional Settings
- Change the “List separator:” character to a pipe (|) – by default in windows this will likely be a comma (,)
- If the existing list separator is not a comma (,) make note of this character so this can be reverted later on (if necessary).
- Hit “Apply”, then “OK”, then “OK” again
- Re-open the .csv file from the website and Excel will correctly split the EET.
- To revert this to the Windows default, please follow the instructions again, replacing the pipe (|) for the default (,) in Step 3.
Please contact your usual Invesco contact in the event of any queries.
If you have any questions or require any further assistance, please reach out to your usual Invesco contact or alternatively EMEA-GDS Regulatory Reporting.